Skyline's Saddle Up! for St. Jude takes place in beautiful Beaver County PA
The centerpiece of our ride is Brush Creek Park - easily accessible from the PA turnpike, Pa Rts. 60 or 65. It's an easy drive from most locations in PA, OH, and WV.
Skyline Stables is the host & starting point for our ride. Please remember that this is a private residence as well. Our generous hosts open up the grounds of their ranch for this event, but we must still respect that this is their home. Since that is the case, we are not posting directions to the starting site, but instead to Brush Creek. Once you reach Brush Creek, you will see plenty of signs directing you to the starting site. We're sure you'll have no trouble finding us following the directions below & the posted signs. (If you would feel more comfortable with more specific directions to the starting site, feel free to email us or phone & we'll be happy to provide you more).
Don't be discouraged by the length of the directions. We try to give more details than you'll ever need to make it nice & easy to find!
From the PA Turnpike:
Exit the PA turnpike at Beaver Falls (Exit 13) - turn R onto Rt. 18 and follow into Beaver Falls - continue following Rt. 18 past Geneva College (stay in L lane as you pass the football field) - at traffic light, bear left to stay on Rt 18 - as the road begins to curve to the right, get into the left lane, turn L & cross the Eastvale bridge - on the other side of the bridge, turn L (2nd Ave) - follow the road up the hill until you get to the traffic light (2nd ave is also Rt 588) - go straight through the traffic light & follow road until you reach Brush Creek Park - look for St. Jude signs & follow to starting location
From Rt. 60:
Exit Rt. 60 at Chippewa (Rt. 51) - follow Rt. 51 briefly towards Chippewa and turn R onto Braden School Road - (if coming South on 60 it's a R turn and then the very next R onto Braden School Rd - if coming North on Rt. 60 it's a L turn at the light, go under the Rt. 60 bridge & then turn R at the next light at Braden School Rd) - turn R onto Darlington Road - follow to Rt 588 (Steffens Hill Road) and turn L to head into Beaver Falls (a church & auto garage are at this 4 way intersection - use caution; traffic coming up hill does not stop) - follow Rt. 588 (Steffens Hill Road) into Beaver Falls where Rt. 588 becomes 24th Street - turn L onto Rt. 18, then bear R onto Eastvale bridge - on the other side of the bridge, turn L to continue on Rt. 588 (2nd Ave.) - continue on Rt. 588 to the traffic light - continue straight through the traffic light on Rt. 588 until you reach Brush Creek Park - follow signs to starting location
From Rt. 65:
Traveling South on 65 - turn L onto Rt. 588 (traffic light) and follow until you reach Brush Creek Park - follow signs to starting location
Traveling North on 65 - turn R onto Rt. 588 (traffic light) and follow until you reach Brush Creek Park - follow signs to starting location (Note: coming this direction, you may pass other signs (just before the water authority) for the Saddle Up before you reach Rt. 588 - feel free to follow these signs directly to the starting location instead of going to Brush Creek first - either way will get you to the starting location)