Pre-registration for this event is not required, but strongly recommended. Pre-registering yourself or your group helps us tremendously as we are better able to plan for the appropriate number of people for the event each year. With our new email address up & running, feel free to just send us an email with your name & names of the other people in your group at your earliest convenience. If you email the information to us; we will use your email address as the contact information for your group. If you have email addresses for others in your group we'd appreciate having those as well (but it's optional) so we'd have contact info for others in your group if we would need it. By doing this by email, you have the convenience of being able to do this any time of the day or night! (You may phone similar information to us as well.)

Sponsor Forms
Sponsor forms which also include a consent/liability release are a requirement to participate in this event. These should be completed prior to arriving at the event & brought with you the day of the ride. (All monies collected must be turned in the day of the event as well.)
Part of the purpose of this website was to cut down on mailing costs as well as make things more convenient. With that in mind, we're hoping everyone will soon be able to get there sponsor forms either on-line or pick them up at their convenience.
2013 Forms may not be available at all locations yet. We are trying to make them available as soon as possible. If possible, print them out from this page (scroll down) & you'll have them immediately!
Sponsor forms should be available very soon at the following businesses & tack shops:
Texas Roadhouse (multiple locations)
Luster's Saddlery
Stallion Hill
- Pick up a form soon - call ahead if you want to check to be sure they have them available.
(If you know of a business that would be happy to set out a few sponsor forms - or post our information - please let us know)
On-line sponsor forms for 2013 are available now! Click the link below to go to the form.
(As in past years, we are continuing to have difficulties with some of the links not functioning properly. If the link does not work properly for you; please follow the directions in blue below to access the form on the St. Jude website. Thanks for your understanding.)
(It may take a few minutes to download depending on the type internet service you have, please be patient.)
Printout Tips:
This year's form has been created in an 8 1/2" x 11" landscape format. To print properly, you will need to change your printer setting (or properties) to print in landscape mode. (This should give you 3 horizontal pages - a St. Jude Saddle Up! general information page, a sponsor page, and collection totals & consent/waiver page).
- If you need additional sponsor spaces (and we hope you do!); you can print extra copies of page 2.
- You will need page 2 (sponsors) and page 3 (consent/waiver) to participate in the ride.
Don't forget to print out a few extra forms for friends that might be interesting in riding!!
**If you have any trouble with the above link, you can open a new window and copy/paste the address to download it directly from the St. Jude site. If you have any difficulty doing this, email us at & we can email the link to you.