Throughout this website we hope you'll find everything you need to gear up for the Saddle Up. But to help you prepare even more, we thought we'd provide a few extra tips for those of you attending for the first time:

Don't forget to Pre-register - it helps us prepare for the right amount of people.
This is a BYOH event - (Bring Your Own Horse) We do not provide horses for this event.
There is plenty of trailer parking at the site, but come early enough to give yourself plenty of time to register, settle your horse in, and visit with other riders.
Don't forget to bring your sponsor dollars the day of the event. These should come from friends, family, employers, businesses, etc. Bring a few of your own dollars to particpate in our raffles - remember all proceeds go to St. Jude.
Keep in mind that our Saddle Up! normally runs rain or shine. While we do have a "rain date", generally we only use this if the weather is extremely threatening (it's very hard to hold all the food, volunteers, etc. over until the next day)
Since we rarely postpone, come prepared for all weather. Since the weather in May isn't always settled yet - we have been know to have an early shower followed by a beautifully sunny ride & vice versa. Come prepared for either.
Our ride begins high on a hill, rides down into Brush Creek, and back up to the starting site. It can tend to get somewhat windy at the starting/finishing point, bring an extra sweatshirt or jacket even if it's expected to be warm. Never hurts to throw an extra one in.
The ride is approx. a 14 mile ride - beginning on a local country road (paved), rides into the woods of Brush Creek Park(lightly maintained trails), reaches the halfway point at a covered bridge in the park and then back out. Prepare yourself & your horse for these terrains. (If you have any concerns about your horse crossing the bridge, we have found that most horses cross fine when following other horses. If necessary, remember you're always welcome to dismount & lead your horse across - this is often a big rest area for many of the riders).
Pack whatever you normally would for a ride of this nature, but keep in mind we will provide water bottles at the halfway point in the park.
Port-a-john facilities are available at the ranch for before & after the ride. The park has pit-style restrooms at our halfway point ("horse holders" will be available if you should need them at this time)
Plenty of parking is available in Brush Creek Park if you should feel you or your horse is unable to complete the ride.
Remember to check the prize page to set some collecting goals for yourself. (Shoot for at least $75 to be able to participate in the BBQ & qualify for door prizes. You don't want to miss either!)
Read everything on this website, come prepared, and get ready to have a great day that you'll want to repeat year after year!
Go out & get those sponsors!! Let's do our best for St. Jude's! See you soon.